Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mock Congress

Mock Congres was Friday, but it deserves a post.

The Oak Leaf were at a major disadvantage: less people than Hornets, less members with beliefs to the party platform and less time to caucus. BUT the last 40 minutes were ours!
Alanna's bill (co-sponsored by Leah) on coercive interrogation on terrorists was the most controversial and longest bill. Questions and answers were extended. Pro and cons were not only logical but emotional.
I threw my two cents in "May I remind you fine citizens of the United States of America that these terrorists have motives to hurt not only you, me, but our children. Our future! They must suffer and let's nuke em!"
4 recounts, but we came out triumphant!
Despite the difficulties during caucus and debating feelings in the Oak Leaf party, it was compensated in the end when we all stood together side by side to pass this bill. Looking at us work together as a party made me proud to be minority leader.
Thank you

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